Invest in Darwin

The Big Picture

Darwin’s competitive advantage is its strategic location, situated at the top of Australia’s northern coastline on the edge of the Timor Sea. As close to Singapore as it is Sydney, Darwin offers world-class logistic infrastructure and international connections through established airlinks, rail, a deep water port as well as a sophisticated business park dedicated to global freight solutions.

There are a number of exciting new major projects on the horizon, which includes a steady stream of stimulus from the advancement of the $20 billion Defence spend, outlined in in its 2016 White Paper. The US military are also spending big with facility upgrades to their Osprey fleet, new fuel storage and the annual deployment of 2500 marines.

South of Darwin, the shale gas deposits in Beetaloo Basin are attracting national attention, estimated to generate billions of dollars and more than 6500 jobs over the next 25 years. Expansion of the Northern Gas Pipeline is also on the table, predicted to create around 4000 new jobs as well as construction of the $250 million Darwin City university campus.

Singapore’s Sun Cable recently opened their Darwin office and is gearing up to build one of the worlds most ambitious renewable energy projects. The $22 billion Australia-ASEAN Power Link will harness solar energy from the Territory and supply power to Darwin, Singapore and other ASEAN markets by 2027.