This website has been prepared by Gimbells Investments Pty Ltd (“Gimbells”) for general information and promotional purposes only. Whilst every care has been taken in its preparation, no warranty is given or implied as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of any information contained in this document.

Images contained in this website have been used to visualise development concepts only and do not represent the present state of the subdivision and are not intended to represent any final development. Commencement and completion of the various projected stages of the development will be subject to demand and other financial and economic factors and is at the discretion of Gimbells.

Maps and plans are not drawn to scale and are for guidance only. Allotment sizes and other dimensions are approximate. Gimbells reserves the right to vary the layout and composition of the subdivision at any time, subject to obtaining any regulatory consents and approvals.

This website contains projections, which represent the best estimates based on present plans and information. All projections are for illustrative purposes and are based on certain assumptions, which may not be realised. Actual results may be affected by changes in economic, taxation and other circumstances.

Gimbells does not accept responsibility for any direct or indirect loss suffered by anyone as a result of (a) any error, omission or representation in any information (including any data, projections, calculations, plans, maps, photographs or graphics) in this document; or (b) any decision made by any person who relies on the information provided in this website.

This website does not constitute advice or recommendations and does not take into account the particular needs, investment objectives or financial situation of prospective purchasers or investors. Individuals should undertake their own enquiries and investigations and seek their own independent Australian legal, financial and taxation advice.

Content from this website may not be reproduced, used or given to any other person, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than that for which it is intended. This information contained in this website shall not be copied without the express written consent of Gimbells.

The information in this document is current as at 30 April 2021.