A Hub of Opportunity
The Sanctuary is a unique 16 square-kilometre natural habitat site located on the Arnhem Highway in the heart of Darwin’s Wetlands and Wildlife region. The Sanctuary aims to deliver exceptional lifestyle and investment opportunities with regulatory approvals in place to develop a fully master planned residential community.
It will be complemented with a range of commercial and tourism offerings, which will take advantage of The Sanctuary’s exceptional road frontage, visible to high volumes of daily traffic on the Arnhem Highway.
Expressions of Interest are sought from developers to maximize the prime commercial opportunities of this unique, shovel-ready greenfield site that is well positioned to become the Top End’s newest tourism destination.
Special Interest
Birding Tourism is on the rise. Australia’s Top End is home to vast wetlands, coastal floodplains, monsoonal rainforest, savannah woodland, waterfalls and soaring escarpments. Kakadu National Park is home to more than 280 species and the wider Top End boasts almost 400 species in total, five of which are endemic.
The Top End is arguably Australia’s premium recreational fishing destination. It makes a significant economic contribution to the estimated $80 million generated each year by the Northern Territory’s recreational fishing industry. The Sanctuary offers easy access to some of the Territory's best waterways and boat ramps.
The phenomenal growth of the region’s horticulture continues to rise – over half of Australia’s mangoes are grown here. Much of the surrounding land is pastoral; Darwin’s Port is one of the world’s largest for live cattle exports. Also nearby is Australia’s largest Barramundi farm which has invested over $60 million in expansion – around half of that loaned through NAIF. This will create an additional 160 jobs to their present staff of 100.